I should keep myself busy and busier that I won't think anything about you.
Just realise it is a bit sick that I wanna keep myself spin without stop.
Is that a way cool down. Is there any other way to cool down?
Father, can you please help me that I don't know what to do? Is that call painful? Please teach me focus on you and your cross. Remind me that I am not worth it which Jesus die for my sin. Please forget me that I always put you not in my first priority. But you still love me. I am so sorry.
Thank you for be my strength that you always be with me.
Thank you for the plan for me by your will. Although I always try to control but you keep reminding me your plan for me, your will for me and my path is made by you. You know me better than I know myself.
Thank you for being so patient of teaching me walking by spirit not by sight.
Father, teach me of whatever u shall do by your will not mine. Teach me the humble and obedience of being a Christian. Amen
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